Chaucer Valentines!
This year, let Geoffrey Chaucer, the original poet of Saint Valentine and Cupid's humblest servant, help you express yourself to the one you love. Woo that special lady with the words of hende Nicholas -- "Ywis, but if ich have my wille, / For deerne love of thee, lemman, I spille!" -- or the charming lord Walter: "Whan I sey 'ye,' ne sey nat 'nay.'"
The links below open directly to PDF files of the individual valentines, so you can simply right-click to save them. Each is formatted to print on regular 8 1/2 x 11 paper; print double-sided and flip on short edge to make a simple folding card. If you don't want to bother printing on more durable paper or actual card stock, from experience, I can say that simply using pink copy paper greatly enhances the effect!
Series 1
Knight's Tale 1 -- "The fresshe beautee sleeth me sodeynly"
Knight's Tale 2 -- "I was hurt right now thurghout myn ye"
Miller's Tale 1 -- "Thanne kysse me, syn it may be no bet"
Miller's Tale 2 -- "For deerne love of thee, lemman, I spille"
Reeve's Tale -- "I is thyn awen clerk, swa have I seel!"
Man of Law's Tale -- "In hir is heigh beautee, withoute pride"
Wife of Bath's Tale 1 -- "Fareth every knyght thus with his wyf as ye?"
Wife of Bath's Tale 2 -- "And techeth us yonge men of your praktyke"
Clerk's Tale 1 -- "And eek whan I sey 'ye,' ne sey nat 'nay'"
Clerk's Take 2 -- "Wherfore we pray you hastily to wyve"
Franklin's Tale -- "That is bitwixe an housbonde and his wyf"
Pardoner's Tale -- "I wolde I hadde they coilons in myn hond"
Nun's Priest's Tale 1 -- "For whan I feele a-nyght your softe syde"
Nun's Priest's Tale 2 -- "Ye been so scarlet reed aboute youre yen"
Troilus and Criseyde 1 -- "This is no litel thyng of for to seye"
Troilus and Criseyde 2 -- "If no love is, O God, what fele I so?"
Book of the Duchess -- "The soleyn fenix of Arabye"
House of Fame -- "So that thou wolt be of good chere"
Parliament of Fowls 1 -- "A! lord! the blisse and Ioye that they make"
Parliament of Fowls 2 -- "Al this mene I by LOVE"
Legend of Good Women -- "His gilte heer was corouned with a sonne"
Boece -- "But what is he that may yeven a lawe to loverys?"